• Ready
  • Drive
  • Feel
  • Haptic
  • Experience
Introducing TYP.1
Get ready for the world’s first vibro-accoustic interface
for immersive driving experiences.

Turning the seat into a haptic display

By transforming the car seat into an vibro-accoustic interface, TYP.1 connects the passenger to the car and delivers a totally new driving sensation.

Alert. Engaged. Relaxed. 


With TYP.1, we are providing a signature vibro-accoustic language based on subtle motion patterns.

These unique sensations re-define how motion is perceived by the passenger. They reveal the unique character of the vehicle, e.g., sportive, social, luxury etc., and strengthen the emotional bond to the client.

TYP.1 is designed as an experience platform in combination with a content eco-system.

It allows for continuous exploration and enables users to unlock their desired motion patterns and features over the air.


Subtle motion patterns for high-priority ADAS warnings reduce the cognitive workload, e.g., for emergency braking or blind spot assistance.

The decision-making about safety-relevant interventions becomes intuitive and lowers the reaction time significantly.


Enjoy immersive content experiences, tailored to each seat. Driven by a subwoofer-like feeling and a very distinct mapping of frequencies and instruments.

Enhance the sensation of driving with the power of audio-haptic feedback: bringing back the joy of driving an ICE – without driving an ICE (Internal Combustion Engine).


Use your ride or charging stop for time-outs and take advantage of enhanced motion patterns that drive relaxation and comfort functions in the car. 

Manage over- or understimulation and avoid motion sickness by using haptics to pre-condition the body for upcoming driving scenarios.


Touch is the first sense we develop. It has the deepest emotional impact on us and does not deteriorate with age – in contrast to hearing or vision. 

We’re biologically wired to prioritise haptics, given that we process a haptic stimulus after just 150ms. In comparison: A audio stimulus is processed after 170ms and visual stimulus after approx. 250ms.

Our sense of touch connects us to the physical world and gives us a place. And our ultimate place in the car is … the seat. In the future of autonomous cars, when there’s no steering wheel to hold onto, no wind screen to look through, and no gas or brake pedal to use: the seat will be just as close to us.

This allows the seat to be a powerful display to shape brand differentiation with unique driving experiences.